Pokemon Unite contains very interesting line-ups for all-rounders. Who doesn’t like a Pokemon that can attack as well as defend at the same time? Moreover, all-rounders can also be a great choice to increase the support for the team. When necessary, all-rounders can even become attackers and defenders as per the demand of the situation. Buzzwole is also an all-rounder in the Pokemon Unite MOBA. Buzzwole is one of the trios which entered the game during the Pokemon Unite’s first year anniversary. As it is relatively new to the game, players are still finding the best combinations and build of Buzzwole. In this article, we will help you by providing you with the details on the best held items for Buzzwole in Pokemon Unite.
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Pokemon Unite Best Held Items for Buzzwole
The main advantage of the Buzzwole is that it does not require any kind of evolution. It is the definition of the phrase A1 since day 1. Therefore, you can put in your time with Buzzwole and take it to its highest potential quicker than other Pokemon. Players will also not struggle too much while mastering Buzzwole because even the difficulty level of this Pokemon is not hard but intermediate. Unlike Tyranitar, Buzzwole has the advantage of great scaling and the Pokemon also comes with a pack of Powerful combos.
Let’s make these combos more powerful by looking at the three best items for Buzzwole:
1) Attack Weight: Attack Weight is a great held item for an all-rounder Pokemon like Buzzwole. Basically, the function of an Attack Weight is to boost the attack stat of Buzzwole, every time it is able to score a goal. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how many points you get by scoring the goal. The Attack Weight boosts your attack stat regardless. Thus, to ramp up your offensive mechanism, Attack Weight can easily be a powerful held item.
2) Muscle Band: Muscle Band is a very essential held item for Buzzwole. With the help of Muscle Band, you can boost your attack speed and damage drastically. As we know that Buzzwole has short-range moves, we have to make the best out of them only. Therefore, with the help of Muscle Band, you can inflict more damage in one move. Muscle Band also boosts the recharge speed of the muscle gauge. Moreover, the attack damage increases in proportion to the health of the opponent.
3) Focus Band: Focus Band can easily become one of the most useful held items for Buzzwole. Focus Band helps Buzzwole to boost its defense and survivability. Moreover, Focus Band gives the HP boost by deciding on how much percentage of HP you lose in Buzzwole. On the contrary, Focus Band also does not stop the healing process even when Buzzwole is sustaining damage. Therefore, Focus Band helps make the best out of this all-rounder.
With the help of the above-held items, you can make the best use of Buzzwole in Pokemon Unite. However, you will need some practice and precise positioning to master Buzzwole. But once you get a hold of it, you will love Buzzwole for what it is and what it can become. Till you master Buzzwole, you can also read more on games and tech on Androidgram.