Helldivers is a popular shooter series that made its initial debut in 2015. Since this debut, the developers have released only one game in the series and are already on their way to making a third game. The main objective of the games in this series is to protect the Earth from an alien invasion and you do it the way humanity knows how to best: shoot them. The initial Helldivers was a top-down shooter, while Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter. That said, if you are wondering when Helldivers 3 will be released, consider reading this article until the end.
Helldivers has a straightforward plot. Aliens are invading; shoot them and save humanity. This is as simply sci-fi/action as it gets, where the game absolutely compels you to continue playing for countless hours blasting enemies. They are so foundational and good that you want to progress the honestly one-dimensional plot more just to get more action, sort of like the newer Call of Duty games. How does this bode for the series and when will Helldivers 3 come out are valid questions when considered by this metric.
Helldivers 3 Release Date for PS5 & PC: When will it be available?
Well, let’s get some things very clear at the very beginning. The first 2 installments in the series were published by Sony and we have no reason to believe that things are going to be any different for the next installments in the series. This also means the games will not be coming to Xbox. Sony has a history of restricting self-published games to PlayStation consoles. It will come to PC, however. Most shooters thrive on PCs, and this is no different. Next, the development between the first two games took almost a decade, considering that Helldivers 2 only came out in 2024.
When will Helldivers 3 come out?
Considering that the most recent installment of the series, Helldivers 2, just came out this year, it is quite obvious that Helldivers 3 won’t be released anytime soon. Going by the release dates of the previous games, we can estimate the development cycle for the next game. In this case, there was a 9-year gap. So, based on this release pattern, Helldivers 3 is expected to be released in 2033, which is quite absurd. We, however, don’t think that Sony will be taking so much time to release a new installment for such a popular series. It can be a 4-5 years gap, but there is no confirmation of the same. There is also the matter of multiplayer and online support. Any game with online support will have a longer lifespan than a single-player game. This is because the developers can keep adding not only single-player content but also multiplayer content, which can keep it relevant. Anyway, do note that the information provided here is based on speculation and not any confirmed update, so make sure to take it with a pinch of salt.
Will it even be released?
Well, while nothing can be said for certain right now, we do expect it to come out. Since the developers have not confirmed that Helldivers 2 will be the last game in the series, nothing can be said about Helldivers 3. Given enough time, we are fairly certain they will surprise us with a very graphically advanced and fun-to-play game. Like we said, there is only so much you can do with such a cliched plot. The action, however, can always be over the top as long as it is in good taste.
That said, this is all we know about Helldivers 3 and when it will come out for PC and PS. If you found this article insightful, make sure to visit Android Gram for more such content.