Wondering what Baku pet’s worth and rarity is in Adopt Me? Then you, my friend, might want to read the complete article. Baku is a strange but beautiful animal that comes from Japanese folklore. A lot of players have been trying to hatch it. Unfortunately, only a handful of players have been able to get their hands on it. But, you can trade it with other players if you have something of equal worth. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about Baku pet’s worth and rarity in Adopt Me. So, make sure to stick with us till the very end.
Adopt Me is an incredibly popular game on Roblox. It has millions of players who spend hundreds of hours in the game. Folks of all age groups like to play the game and nurture their pets. The goal is also very simple- obtain an egg, hatch that egg and then take care of the pet that emerges from it. The game has tons of different animals that are super fun to have. But, that’s a topic for some other time. For now, let us focus on Baku and its worth. So without any further ado, let us proceed with the main topic at hand.
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Adopt Me Baku pet worth & rarity.
Baku is a Legendary pet that rolled out with the Japan Egg update in Adopt Me. As we mentioned before, this creature belongs to Japanese folklore. It looks like a mixture of a horse and an elephant. The blue body with brown hair really makes it look attractive. At the moment, Baku is worth a little more than the Swan. Also, it is worth a little less than the Black Panther and is about equal in value to Turkey. Below, we have a list of some pets and animals that are around the same worth as a Baku.
1) Lunar Ox (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
2) Ribbon Seal (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
3) Starfish (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
4) Green-Chested Pheasant (Legendary)
5) Golden King Penguin (Legendary)
6) Purple Butterfly (Ultra-Rare)
7) Lady Bug (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
8) Diamon Egg (Legendary)
9) T-Rex (Legendary)
10) Australian Kelpie (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
11) Fly-A-Pet Potion (Legendary)
12) Hydra (Neon) (Ultra-Rare)
13) Moped (Rare)
14) Santa’s Sleigh (Legendary)
15) Snowmobile (Legendary)
So, these are some pets and items that are around the same worth as a Baku in Adopt Me. Note that sometimes you will need to give up more than one item in order to trade. Well, this brings us to the end of this article. We hope that you found it helpful. Stay tuned to Android Gram, and happy gaming.