One of the first questions that players would wonder while playing any stealth-based game like Assassin’s Creed: Mirage is how to progress the in-game story while avoiding combat. Well, the answer to that question is by raising the least alarms. In Assassin’s Creed: Mirage, disabling all the alarms is a proven stealth strategy that helps you get into heavily guarded buildings easily. While this is easier said than done, there is the option to take on fights head-on, but that will likely take multiple tries if you aren’t skilled enough. So, knowing how to disable alarms in the game is an important skill you must learn.
Alarms are a part of every RPG game with stealth elements. They can be in different forms and types, but they all serve the same purpose. They bring a flood of enemies into the room or area you are in when triggered. This is a problem for stealth-heavy character builds where players choose to invest in agility, movement, and stealth rather than pure DPS and damage. This is even more of a problem for aggressive builds because it means you have a chance of losing significant amounts of your health before you even get to where you need to be. Anyway, in a game like AC Mirage where stealth is given high priority, you must make sure to avoid triggering alarms of all kinds. Therefore, in this article, we are going to go over how to disable alarms in the game so you don’t run the risk of your cover being blown.
Assassin’s Creed (AC) Mirage: How to disable Alarms?
Alarms in this game aren’t tech-savvy devices, but they are largely true to the period. This means they are ancient devices that are operated on a basic rope system. This makes disabling them a rather easy task. The main issue here is spotting them and timing the disabling of the alarm. The process is fairly simple once you get the hang of it.
The alarms in AC Mirage are nothing but bells hanging on a large wooden prop. These bells are usually suspended from a height in an arch-like structure with a simple wooden brace and a lot of rope. The easiest way to disable these alarms is to break them and make them inoperable. While there are other ways to make sure an alarm is never used, this is the most effective way. You actually make sure, when you break the alarm, that it cannot be used. This is far safer than methods like killing all the guards around it and hoping that no one triggers it.
How to disable them?
To disable the alarm, you will need to spot them and cut the rope that is tied to the bell. This much is simple. All you need is some keen eyesight and some throwing knives. Once you spot the alarm, you can throw your knives at the rope. It will cut the rope off, and the bell will fall to the ground. It is important to keep in mind that the sound of the falling bell will alert the guards near the alarm itself. So, killing them beforehand is the right choice.
While aiming to disable alarms, we recommend hitting the wooden prop holding the rope in place. This is the safest and most successful method of disabling them. While you can take a throwing knife and aim for the rope, you run the risk of missing the target.
Anyway, to make the most stealthy plays while infiltrating an area, make sure to first go for the alarms. Once they are disabled, you can engage in battles with the nearby guards, as you won’t have to deal with reinforcements. That is all we had on how to disable alarms in AC Mirage. If you found this article helpful and want to read more, visit Android Gram daily. Also read: Assassin’s Creed (AC) Mirage: How To Change in-game Language