Wondering how long does it take to beat Potionomics? Then you, my friend, might want to read the complete article. A lot of folks wish to know more about this topic before they purchase the game. It would be a disappointment if you spend the money on a very short game. This has been the case for a lot of video games recently. So, if you want more information on this topic, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you how long it takes to beat Potionomics. So, make sure to stick with us till the very end.
If you ever wanted to be a witch and sell potions, then you should definitely play Potionomics. The story revolves around Sylvia who inherited her uncle’s potion shop. Now, the goal is to get better at the craft and become the best potion shop on the market. But, things are not easy as you might think. You need to befriend heroes and other vendors in order to obtain ingredients. Next, you will also need to defeat the competitor vendors in order to stay ahead of others. But, we will discuss this in some other article. For now, let us focus on how long will it take for you to reach the end in Potionomics.
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How long does it take to beat Potionomics?
Well, according to some players and reviewers, it will take you around 50-60 hours to complete Potionomics. But, this depends on a number of factors. First of all, if you are able to read the dialogs fast, then this number will drop down. Similarly, if you are a slow reader, then the number will bump up. Other than the reading speed, there are also some in-game tasks that will determine how long you take to beat Potionomics. If you did not already know, the game has a “game over” screen. This means that failing to complete tasks will lead you to keep playing certain missions all over again.
This means that the total playtime will vary from player to player. But on a rough estimate, we can assure you that you will keep playing Potionomics for at least 25-30 hours. While this is not a huge number, it is still pretty decent for a small indie video game. Well, this brings us to the end of this article. We hope that you found it helpful. Stay tuned to Android Gram, and happy gaming.