Wish to know how you can disable Gifs on a Discord server? Stay tuned to find out!
Discord is one of the largest social media spaces that is one of a kind. It is difficult to come across a service that comes even remotely close to what Discord is. Discord became a massive hit during the lockdown when everyone was forced to interact using online tools. The most important use case is gamers using it as a medium to communicate with their friends. While it can be used between friends as a medium to relax and chill with each other, it can also accommodate large groups of people. The large groups often have a moderator that keeps a check on the activities that are happening on a Discord server.
The most common way a user tends to communicate without using words is through emojis, stickers, and Gifs. The only problem is, that Gifs and stickers can get out of control quickly. It is important to make sure that the community is safe for everyone and also suitable for a young audience. This is because it is difficult to know the age of the person in a discord server. Hence, you may be looking for a way to disable Gifs on a Discord server. Then look no further because we have all the answers you will ever need. Take a look!
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How to disable gifs on Discord Server?
Users can only disable Gifs on a discord server at their end. There is no way you can stop the entire server from sending Gifs in the group chat. You can either restrict activity for a particular person or just ban them completely. Restricting the activities for everyone won’t make sense because no one would be able to communicate with each other. Hence, here are the settings that you can use to control things at your end.
First, go to Discord and open Settings. On the left-hand side, you will see an extensive list of settings. Go to Accessibility and disable the following settings – ‘Automatically play GIFs when Discord is focused’ and Play animated emojis’. This should stop emojis from automatically playing whenever you scroll past them. This is not the most efficient way, but currently, there is no absolute way to disable gifs on a Discord server. Hence, you will have to make do with whatever is available.