Dragon Ball Legends is a mobile fighting game based on the popular Dragon Ball anime and manga franchise. Developed by BNE and Dimps, the game features fast-paced, 3D battles where players collect and control a roster of famous Dragon Ball characters, each with their unique abilities and moves. In Dragon Ball Legends, players engage in real-time battles against other players from around the world, using a simple and intuitive touch control system. The game also features a single-player story mode, where players can progress through a series of battles to experience the Dragon Ball universe, as well as a variety of other modes, such as PVP battles, events, and challenges. However, collecting all the dragon balls has always been the essence of all Dragon Ball games. Therefore, we will be discussing how to get dragon balls in Dragon Ball Legends.
Also read: How to get Dragon Balls in Xenoverse 2 (2023)
How to get dragon balls in Dragon Ball Legends?
1) The first thing you need to have is real-life friends who have Dragon Ball Legends installed on their smartphones.
2) The second thing that you need to do is scan their codes in the game. You will have to scan the code and you will have to be their friend in the game too.
3) You will have to scan 3 codes a day to increase your chances of getting a Dragon Ball. Once you scan the code of a person you are friends with, you will be able to get rewards including Dragon Balls. Also, keep in mind that to scan the code, you will need to grant camera permissions to the game. Once you do this, you will be easily able to scan the code by tapping on “Scan”.
4) You can join online communities where people post their codes along with their IDs. You may find these communities on social media sites like Discord or Reddit.
Note: You can only perform 3 scans per day.
Once you collect all the dragon balls, you will be able to get rewards and limited-time Arts Card Sleeves. So, these were some of the simple steps that will help you get the dragon balls in no time. On this note, keep visiting Androidgram for the latest updates in the world of tech and gaming.