Pikmin is a classic game series published by Nintendo. The first installment was released back in 2001 for the GameCube. The sequel, Pikmin 2, came out later, in 2004. The game series revolves around Captain Olimar, whose ship crashes into an alien planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere. However, oxygen is poisonous to his species, and he only has 30 days of life support left in his spacesuit. He must search for his ship’s missing parts. He encounters a plant-like species he dubs ‘Pikmin’. The game features different endings based on how well the player performs. Each of the sequels further progresses the storyline, with the latest installment being Pikmin 4. So, what about the release date of Pikmin 5? If you are interested in knowing the same, consider reading this guide until the end.
Pikmin 4 was released in July 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. But the players are hungry for more, as always. A few players were already wondering about the Pikmin 5 release date months before Pikmin 4 was released. And, after the game’s release, many finished it within a day or two and are currently awaiting the release of the next game. Whatever the case, players are eager to know anything about the release date of Pikmin 5. If you are one of them, keep reading this article till the end to find out.
Pikmin 5 Release Date for Nintendo Switch: When it will be available?
Officially, there is no word yet on a release date for Pikmin 5. We do not even know if there will be a Pikmin 5. The gap between each Pikmin game release has been increasing since the first game. Why? Well, each Pikmin game has been offering a more immersive experience than its predecessor. Likewise, Pikmin 4 was developed using UE4. All this tends to increase the effort required to make a new game, as expectations for it will be higher. Pikmin 4 took 7 years to release after it was announced, though some of the delays might have been caused by the pandemic.
However, looking on the bright side, Pikmin 4 did pretty well for itself. The game sold millions of copies worldwide and received very positive reviews. This incentivizes the developers to pursue a sequel. As TepigNinja points out, we will probably see the Pikmin 5 getting released once Nintendo releases the next console it has planned. If there even is a sequel. So you should sit tight, as this one might take a while. A while as in, it might even be more than five years, if it ever comes.
It is important to remember that with the game’s success, the possibility of a sequel is quite high. Their latest game is still fresh, and the original creator of Pikmin, Shigeru Miyamoto is 71, which is a pretty ripe age to be helping in developing video games, so be patient.
Anyway, do note that the information provided in this article is just speculation from our side and not any confirmed update. So, consider taking this information with a pinch of salt. In the meantime though, check out Android Gram for more such content. Also read: Pikmin 4: How to save Pikmin from dying?