Want to catch Drifloon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl? It is quite easy to catch this balloon Pokemon in BDSP. All you have to do is visit the Valley Windworks on Friday! There are a few Pokemons like Magby which are pretty difficult to catch in Pokemon BSDP. However, according to players, completing the main story is rather easy. The introduction of a complicated catch and evolve process for a few Pokemons preserves the challenging nature of the game. However, you wouldn’t have to worry about Drifloon – let’s find out how you can get hold of this cute little Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
As you might have guessed by now, Drifloon is not a rare Pokemon. It is a grass and flying-type Pokemon. Although it is easy to catch Drifloon, it is a long wait. Before Drifloon starts spawning in your world, you will have to complete a mandatory challenge. Note that you will need to have Valley Windworks unlocked through the main story. Valley Windworks is located east of Floaroma Town and is characterised as a wind-powered power plant that produces electricity. However, a group of outlaws – Mars of Team Galactic – will be waiting for you at the Windworks. You will have to defeat them before you can enter the plant.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: How to get & catch Drifloon?
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Now, once you defeat Team Galactic, you will have to wait until the Friday after to spot Drifloon at the plant. So, if you defeat Team Galactic on a Friday, you will have to wait until the next Friday. Drifloon flies in for a visit every Friday, and that is exactly when you can capture it for your Pokedex. If you fail to capture it on a Friday, it will disappear until the next Friday. However, the capturing process is fairly easy. According to reports, using the Soak move greatly help you capture the balloon Pokemon. Remember that Drifloon is a Ghost-type Pokemon so it will be immune to Normal-type moves. Sometimes, it is as easy as throwing one Pokeball and that’s it. You will now have Drifloon in your Pokedex. You may find a Level 22 or a Level 15 Drifloon – the latter being easier to capture.
Hope this tutorial helped answer your query. For more articles on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, stay tuned to Androidgram!