Want to capture Magby in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl? You will have to head over to the Grand Underground for the same. The Grand Underground features a lot of Pokemons of a rare type. Although it is pretty easy to complete the main story of BDSP, you can always spend time completing the National Pokedex by capturing Pokemons from the Grand Underground. However, keep in mind that Magby is a Shining Pearl exclusive.
The main campaign of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl is just a little over 30 hours long. According to reports, the latest Pokemon game follows the modern Exp Share system. So, your Pokemons will gain experience points even though they aren’t used. Although this saves a lot of time and headache on our part, the gym leaders have not been upgraded to challenge this system. So, defeating gym leaders has gotten a lot easier. This is a bit disappointing considering the fact that fans haven’t been happy about the decreasing challenge level of Pokemon Games. However, catching the Pokemons spawning in Grand Underground can be quite a task.
Related: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (BDSP): How to get every starter Pokemon?
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: How to get & catch Magby?
Before you start this venture, we advise you to complete your Regional or Sinnoh Pokedex. Magby will appear in a Level 29 state. Catching Magby will become quite a task if you don’t have experienced Pokemons in your Pokedex. In order to catch Magby, you will have to unlock the Grand Underground first. To unlock it, head over to Eterna City and visit the house next to the City’s Pokemon Centre. Now, talk to the old man in the house (the Underground Man) and obtain the Explorer kit. Use the Explorer kit to enter the Grand Underground- you can now begin the journey of locating and catching Magby for your Pokedex. Before looking for a Magby, you will also need to defeat the third Gym Leader, Maylene. Magby will start spawning in the Underground only after you defeat Maylene.
Magby is a Fire-type Pokemon so, you will be able to locate a Magby near lava or areas of lava in the Grand Underground. We suggest you use Pokemons of higher levels to defeat Magby and capture it. Keep using Pokeballs until you capture the Pokemon. Note that you can also trade Magby with friends or other players in the game. If you are playing Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, you will have to trade in order to get Magby. Read this article to know how to trade Pokemons.
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