Facing the error code ‘Snake’ in Apex Legends? Well, that’s the error code players face for cheating and is accompanied by a variable time ban. Anti-cheat systems are an inevitable part of competitive free-to-play games like Apex Legends. The popular hero-shooter was and still is heavily prone to DDoS attacks and hackers using aimbot, wallhack, and more. To tackle such situations, Easy Anti-Cheat was integrated into Apex Legends’ code. Respawn also added a series of codes to define error scenarios in Apex Legends, making it easier for players to debug the situation. The error code ‘snake’ is one of them. If you have cheated in Apex Legends, then the error code is justified, and we suggest not repeating the offense to avoid a longer suspension. However, if you were banned without reason, unfortunately, you aren’t the only one.
As mentioned before, the error code ‘snake’ indicates any form of cheating in Apex Legends. It could impose an account ban that lasts anywhere between minutes and a couple of days. A serious offense could also lead to longer ban periods. However, a lot of players have reported that they received the error code “Snake” without any reason. Respawn had previously acknowledged this issue. So, if you feel that you have been banned from your favorite game for no reason, you can submit an appeal for EA’s TOS (Terms of Service) team to review.
How to fix Apex Legends error code ‘Snake’?
If your account was banned for a few minutes as a result of the error code, you could just wait it out. After the cooldown ends, you would be allowed to log back in and play Apex Legends. However, if you have received a ban for a longer period and feel that you have played no part in any kind of TOS abuse, submitting an appeal for the ban would be the next best thing to do. To submit a ban appeal,
1) Click here to contact EA for help.
2) Select Apex Legends from the list.
3) Next, select the platform you were playing the game on.
4) Now, select Manage my account, then Banned or suspended account, and fill out any extra information.
5) Now, click on the Select contact option at the bottom.
6) Sign in to your EA account (the account you use to play Apex Legends).
7) Add all details regarding the account you faced a ban on and also add details of any error codes you came across.
Submit the request, and the respective team will look into the matter and hopefully return to you with a resolution. For more articles on Apex Legends and other video games, stay tuned to Androidgram!