More people are dying from heart attacks now than ever! Till a few years ago, women almost never had heart attacks. In fact it was rare for even men to have it. Only those people who were either quite old or had heart problems or heart diseases suffered heart attacks. These days, men aged 50 and some times even 30 are dying of heart attacks. This is largely due to our unhealthy lifestyle. Over consumption of refined sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, along with a stressful life.We are leading a sedentary lifestyle and barely exercise. Cars and other modes of transportation have also restricted our physical movement. As a result, we need to put in conscious effort towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is what the Da Fit app helps us with.
The Da Fit app is your best friend if you’ve decided to lead a healthy life. The app records your movements, does a sleep analysis of your routine, and so much more.The Da Fit app is an account of your lifestyle. You can consider it a journal of your mental and especially physical wellbeing. The app is available for iOS as well as Android users and is unbelievably easy to use. However, the app may trouble its users sometimes. Users report that the app stops working or doesn’t work properly on certain intervals. As a result, users face problems with tracking their activities.
These fixes and workarounds will help you resolve all app-related issues with the Da Fit app.
Give these workarounds a try and we’re sure you’ll be able to use the app easily.
1.) If the app isn’t working or not showing information then please check that the your device is connected to the watch.
2.) Unpair the watch and the device and try reconnecting them. Reconnecting the device mostly helps when the device and the watch keep disconnecting from each other.
3.) Make sure that the watch and the connected device are not too far from each other.
4.) Switch off both, the watch as well as your phone and restart them both. Now reconnect them and see if it works properly.
5.) If the app keeps crashing, make sure to clear the app cache and user data. Once done, connect the watch with your phone and try again.
6.) If you feel that the app is showing incorrect information. For example, if you feel that the app is reporting incorrect step counts then ensure that you wear your watch properly. Wear it firmly on your wrist as if it hanging loose, it can count the steps incorrectly.
You may also reinstall the application if the problems with the app persists. Also read, Virgin Pulse App not tracking and syncing steps: Fixes & Workarounds.