Everyone likes to save some money when shopping. Saving money during shopping is really difficult, but not with the Dollar General app. The Dollar General app helps its users save a considerable amount of money in their shopping spree. Save coupons on the app and check out quickly with the scan to pay feature. The more you use the app, the more you save gradually. Users who heavily depend on the Dollar General app to manage their shopping expenses are the most affected when a random error breaks it. A more recent issue that has been plaguing the Dollar General app is users not being able to sign in. Signing in on any app is a crucial process that helps in making the experience more personalized and up to the mark. If the Dollar General is failing to authorize your sign in attempts, you can try some troubleshooting methods which are mentioned below.
Fixes to use when the Dollar General app won’t let you sign in:
1) Reset password:
Resetting your password is the easiest way to authorize your credentials. There might be a few reasons why you are unable to sign in to your Dollar General account. And going through all of those possibilities one by one is troublesome. Hence, just reset your password for the Dollar General app and check if you can log into your account with the updated password. If resetting your password does not help with the situation, try the next step.
2) Check your internet connection:
You should also check your internet connection. A slow internet connection can be the reason for failure in sign in attempts on the Dollar General app. Power cycle your router or contact your ISP to troubleshoot the problems with your internet. After your internet connection is running smoothly, try to sign into your account again.
3) Login from a different device:
Logging in from a different device will tell you if the device you were using previously had a fault. Many times, a minor system glitch or compatibility issues can be the reason behind errors on an app. Hence, trying to log in on a different device is a precautionary step. If you are successful in logging into your Dollar General account on another device, you should look into troubleshooting your device specifically.
4) Clear app cache:
Clearing the app cache is one of the basic troubleshooting steps you can try to fix an app. Cache files represent temporary information that becomes outdated after a certain period of time. Getting rid of these vestigial files regularly is important to ensure that your app is running smoothly. Clear the cache files for the Dollar general app on your device and check if you are allowed to sign in. All things considered, you should be able to sign in successfully.
5) Update/Reinstall app:
If clearing the cache files, does not help your situation, check for any pending updates for the app. The update should be displayed in the respective application store on your device. If the app is up-to-date, the next best option is to uninstall the app completely. Uninstall the Dollar General app from your device. And install it again. After reinstalling the Dollar General app, check if you can successfully sign in to your account.