Fetch Rewards is an easy way to gain a few extra rewards for the purchases you make. Just scan a receipt and gain points which can be claimed as rewards as and when you like it. Many people like to make use of it since shopping is an essential part of running a household. There are many things that are required around the house, hence trips to the store are very frequent. By scanning the receipts for your purchases, you can keep gaining points for them. But some users are unable to register points on Fetch Rewards. It seems like Fetch Rewards is not giving them points for receipts they scan. What should a user do when this happens? This is exactly what we’ll try to answer in the rest of this article.
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Things to check when Fetch Rewards is not giving points:
Old receipt:
The physical receipts that users scan on Fetch Rewards should be scanned within 14 days of receiving them. After 14 days, the receipt will not be applicable for gaining points. So if you are trying to claim an old receipt on Fetch Rewards, you will not get the points for it.
The receipt was already scanned:
This too can prevent you from claiming a receipt for points on Fetch Rewards. The app does not allow the resubmission of receipts. So cast aside the receipts that are already submitted and scan when you get a new one. If you don’t think you have scanned the receipt before, a family member or friend of yours who uses the Fetch Rewards app might have. But if that’s not possible in your case, you should contact Fetch Rewards support to get help for the issue.
The type of receipt:
Certain types of receipts are not eligible for getting points on Fetch Rewards.
Movie/Concert/Experience tickets
Airline tickets
Receipts from returning an item
Any receipt you receive from a service provider
Public transportation stubs
Take out food slips that do not specifically detail where they are from.
These are the receipts that won’t be accepted on the Fetch Rewards app. So refrain from submitting any of these.
Weekly limit:
There’s a limit to the number of receipts you can scan on the Fetch Rewards app in a week. The number is limited to 35. So if you try submitting more than 35 receipts within a week, you will not be given the points for them.
The receipt lacks information:
All the receipts that you scan for points on Fetch Rewards should contain the following information –
Store name
Checkout date
Checkout time
Total spent
If the receipt lacks any of this information, you will face difficulties in claiming points for it.
Outdated app:
Fetch Rewards suggests that having an outdated app can affect a user’s ability to successfully claim points for their receipts. Hence, go to the store on your device and search for the Fetch Rewards app in the search box. Select the Fetch Rewards app icon and check if there is an update button below it. If there is, select it to download the latest version of the app.