Don’t want to miss an important meeting because Google meet on your device is not working? We have got your back! Keep reading to find out how you can solve this problem irrespective of the platform you are using.
Social platforms like Google Meet have been the only choice for official video meetings during the pandemic. A technically advanced approach was the key to continuing work from home. While Google Meet provided all the necessary tools for users to host a meeting successfully, there have been reports indicating a few drawbacks. Being late to a meeting is considered a bad work ethic. Hence, it is important that everything works and you don’t have to spend a lot of time troubleshooting your setup. If you are facing problems when using Google Meet, try the troubleshooting methods given below to solve the issue instantly!
Fixes for Google meet not working:
1) Check internet connection:
You might think that it is the app that is causing problems, but your internet connection can be at fault. If you are not sure if you have a stable internet connection, just power cycle your router. This should fix a minor disturbance in the signal. Open other apps on your device, to check if your internet is the one to blame. Try switching to mobile data and check whether the issue persists. Video meeting apps like Google Meet are extremely sensitive to fluctuating internet ping. If you are certain that your internet is not functioning as it should, contact your ISP about the situation.
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2) Confirm that the problem is at your end:
If you cannot hear the audio from others or watch a video or presentation shared by someone, before jumping to conclusions, make sure that it is only you who is facing a problem. Ask others in the meeting or the person conducting the meeting to check their mic. Ask others if they are facing the same issue. Maybe the one speaking has their microphone turned off. Being upfront about the problem might save a lot of time.
3) Restart the device:
A device restart can fix a lot of problems that don’t seem to have a reason. Restart your device, open Google Meet, and reconnect to the meeting. Check if it is letting you access the meeting easily. If not, try the next method.
4) Access and permission settings:
Check if your device has given Google meet all the necessary permissions to work freely. For example, to exchange audio and video in online sessions, Google meet should have the access to your device’s microphone and camera. Check the device settings and make sure all the permissions are given. Then launch Meet again and check the results.
5) Cross-check the meeting code:
If you are manually typing in the meeting code in the app or the browser, make sure that the code is correct. Also, see to it that you do not copy any unwanted characters. Copying a space or a full stop by mistake may show you an error.
6) Reinstall the app:
If none of the above steps work, uninstall Google meet from your device and install it again. Users who prefer the browser can just switch browsers for the time being to check if that makes a difference. After the reinstallation, check if Google Meet is letting you access everything you want to.
7) Disable browser extensions:
Certain third-party extensions that modify the data of Google Meet or your camera may also cause interference with the meeting. Disable such extensions and check whether the issue persists.