If you wish to cancel your Equifax subscription, this is the only article you will need. All the steps to cancel an Equifax subscription are mentioned in this article below. Take a look!
Equifax is a service that helps its customers figure out their credit scores. It collects the data from the consumers to provide them with all the necessary information. Equifax is one of the leading brands that are a part of this service. Equifax claims to offer a great service to its customers while ensuring total data security. It also notifies the user when important changes occur in their credit reports. These attributes sound like a great deal. But, you would be mistaken if you think it comes without a price.
Users have to pay a subscription fee to avail the services mentioned above. Since Equifax charges a subscription fee, it is expected to deliver the best work possible. However, that’s not the case. Many users have raised reports against the service, highlighting the flaws in their system. The website also keeps crashing from time to time. This has forced many users to walk away from Equifax. Hence, if you want to cancel your Equifax subscription, follow the steps below.
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Steps to cancel Equifax subscription:
Canceling your subscription on Equifax is fairly easy. Just sign in to your account on the website. Now, click on your account at the top right corner of the screen. In the list of options, select My Account. Now, initiate the cancellation process by selecting Cancel subscription. Keep following the prompts until the plan is canceled.
If you want, you can cancel your subscription by contacting the Equifax Customer Care team. Give them a call at 1-888-378-4329.
It is always better to test a service before completely committing to it. Hence, before buying a subscription on Equifax, check out the seven-day free trial. Also, keep in mind that you won’t be refunded if you cancel your plan halfway through the billing cycle. You still owe the company $20 even if you have exceeded the free trial even by a day. Many other websites can help you find and improve your credit score, even for free. Find out which one helps you reach your goals better. Keep track of your needs and choose accordingly.