Wondering how to make a crew in GTA 5 Online? Then you, my friend, might want to read the whole article. Rolling around in Los Santos with your crew is a fantastic feeling. Not only will this reward you with some extra RP, but playing the game with your friends is way more fun. You can definitely enjoy GTA 5 Online solo but the true nature of the game only gets revealed when you jump in with your pals. A lot of players do not know how to make a crew in the game. So in this article, we will tell you everything that you need to know about this topic.
GTA 5 Online is the online extension of the main game. It offers you a variety of game modes. Players can host different quests and also participate in other ones. You can even role-play as virtually anyone. GTA 5 Online also has a separate storyline that is quite interesting. As we said before, you can role play as anyone in the game. But almost every major role has some task that they need to follow or complete. Creating a crew is going to help you a lot with most of these tasks. So without any further ado, let us proceed with the main topic at hand.
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How to make a crew in GTA 5 Online?
Creating a crew is very simple in GTA 5 Online. All you have to do is follow some steps and you can ride around the city with your crew’s symbol on your vehicle. To do this, open the Rockstar Social Club application or the website. Now, look for the Crews tab and then click on Create a Crew tab. Next, you will need to select the type of crew you want and then enter the details. Make sure to check the Invite Only box if you don’t want strangers to join your crew without your permission. Finally, click on Save this Crew and your crew will be formed.
Creating a crew on the Rockstart app/website will come in handy when playing any other Rockstar game as well. The same crew can transfer over which will save you a lot of hassle. So, now you know how to create a crew in GTA 5 Online. This also brings us to the end of this article. We hope that you found it helpful. Stay tuned to Android Gram, and happy gaming.