My Hero Ultra Rumble is a battle royale adaptation based on the popular anime series “Boku no Hero Academia,” or “My Hero Academia”, that was released on September 28, 2023. It’s a widely known series among not only anime lovers but also the Western market. Facts aside, My Hero Ultra Rumble, or MHUR for short, allows you to play as your favorite hero and fight in a 24-player battle royale setting. In a match, fighting while also keeping an eye on your teammates is one of the main goals. Sometimes you or your teammates can get knocked out or down. In that case, rescuing them is the go-to choice. But what if you fail to get there in time? That’s why in this article you will learn how to revive a dead hero or teammates in My Hero Ultra Rumble.
Battle Royale is a rather interesting gaming concept that has gone viral in the past few years. We can thank PUBG for that, which took the gaming market by storm. But what it always lacked was superhero-type characters. Thankfully, you now have the option to be a superhero and play as one. But as always, it’s a team effort, so it’s best to maintain the three-player team as long as you can. Knowing how to revive a dead teammate or hero can turn out to be the choice of a winner or loser. So, let’s see how it’s done.
My Hero Ultra Rumble (MHUR): How to Revive Teammates?
When a hero loses all its health, it’ll enter the downed state, where all it can do is crawl. If anyone kills your teammate in that state, then they will die/knocked out. While Apex Legends offers respawn beacons to revive teammates, MHUR has something different. What is it?
Get the Grey Cards
There are various cards that you can find in the game. But the one you will need to revive your teammates is the gray card. This card looks gray because it has no value without two more of the same kind. You can get these gray cards by helping civilians or looting large chests. Not all large chests contain a gray card, so keep that in mind. Once you have collected three gray cards, you can combine them into one pink card. This pink card can then be used to revive your fallen comrade. But also keep in mind that every fallen teammate will drop a badge. You can’t revive them unless you have the badge.
How do you revive using a pink card?
When you have both the badge of your teammate and the pink card, simply open your inventory and click on the pink card. Now you can use it directly, and your teammate will be revived. Also, the number of gray cards each player has is indicated right beside the name of each character in your team, near the lower left corner of the in-game HUD. Using that, you can know which teammate has how many gray cards. This is useful since you can drop and pick cards from their inventory like any other item and then combine them into a pink card. So even if you are short by one card, you can simply get it from your downed teammate (if they have one) and then revive them.
This was our guide on how to revive a teammate in My Hero Ultra Rumble. Now you know how to use the gray card to your advantage. If you find this guide informative, make sure to follow Android Gram for more. Also read: Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos Silver Ore: How to get & find