Some peeps confuse Mythical pokemons with Legendary pokemons. Yes, they are technically the same, but there’s a vivid difference between their availability. Mythical Pokemons in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl will only be available through events outside of the main game. However, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has made available three popular mythical characters for free. Yes, that’s right. You can now obtain Mew, Jirachi, and Manafy easily. We will also talk about the possibly upcoming mythical Pokemons in the game. Keep reading this article.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (BDSP): How to get every mythical Pokemon including Mew, Darkrai, Shaymin?
How to obtain a Mew and a Jirachi?
Obtaining a Mew and a Jirachi is the easiest. However, you will need to have saved game data from previous Pokemon games. For Mew, you will need saved game data from Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu or Let’s Go Eevee. And, for Jirachi, you will need saved game data from Pokemon Sword or Shield. Once, you make sure you have the required game data for the Pokemon you want, head over to Floaroma Town’s Southwestern corner. You will see an old couple in the middle of a flower field. Talk to the woman to obtain a Mew. To obtain a Jirachi, talk to the man. You can read about the process of obtaining a Mew or a Jirachi in detail here.
How to obtain a Manaphy?
Manaphy is another mythical Pokemon that is available for free in the game. You can get a Manaphy Egg from the Mystery Gift event. However, you will need to defeat the first Gym Leader before you can get the Mystery Gift. Visit Jubilife City and enter the TV Center. Then, talk to the Producer – he will ask you a set of questions which you need to answer very carefully. Read this article to know more about how to get the Mystery Gift. And, once you obtain the gift, open it to reveal a Manaphy Egg. Hatch it to get a Manaphy and then, you can also breed your Manaphy with a Ditto to get a Phione Egg. Phione is another mythical Pokemon obtainable only through breeding a Manaphy.
How to obtain a Shaymin?
Get ready to access a very interesting glitch that will lead you to Shaymin! But before this, make sure you defeat the Elite Four and the Sinnoh Champion. You should also have unlocked the National Pokédex.
Cross the Victory Road on Route 224 to encounter an NPC trainer named Black Belt Carl, who will be moving in circles. Before you go beyond this, save the game’s progress right at this point so that you can return if something goes wrong. Now, all you have to do is go up to him and stand in his way so that he would notice you. Once he notices you (an exclamation mark will appear on his head), keep pressing the A key on your Switch to trigger a battle with him. You will have to defeat him in the battle. After defeating Carl, you will return to the Sea Shore and see a pop-up asking whether you want to surf. If you don’t see this pop-up, just restart the game to trigger the pop-up and if you still don’t see one, keep battling Carl until you see one.
Choose to surf when the pop-up shows up, and you will now be surfing on the land. Interesting, huh? Now, navigate to the hill nearby and move until you drop into the water. You will then have to travel beyond the map to reach Flower Paradise where you may meet Shaymin. For detailed steps, we suggest you watch this video by PokeTips.
What about other mythical Pokemons?
Some data-mine reports suggest the arrival of events based on Mythical Pokemons like Darkrai and Celebi. However, there are no exact release dates. Shaymin was also a part of the data-mine reports until a player discovered the glitch to capture it. Did the developers leave this out on purpose? Well, whatever it may be, players can now take advantage of the glitch and obtain their favorite Gratitude Pokemon.
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