“When’s the new Pokemon game coming?” is a question that frequents every Pokemon nerd’s mind. It has only been a few weeks since the latest Pokemon game found its way into the community. But, fans are already anticipating the next Pokemon game. We do have one upcoming very soon, but that’s it for confirmed Pokemon games of 2022.
Don’t get us wrong – we are obviously going to name all the upcoming Pokemon games. Even the ones that aren’t confirmed! But, fans have to keep in mind that 2021 was a pretty eventful year for the franchise. Hence, expecting a lot this year may backfire and break our hearts. So, without further ado, let’s get right into discussing the upcoming Pokemon games releasing (possibly!) in 2022.
Pokemon games releasing in 2022 on Nintendo Switch & Mobile devices
Pokemon Legends: Arceus
The first one we would like to mention is a confirmed Pokemon title scheduled to be released on January 28, 2022. If you are a Pokemon fan, you may have already guessed it – Pokemon Legends: Arceus. It was first thought to be an open-world game, but Game Freak (developers) later confirmed otherwise. Well, it is actually an action RPG based on a semi-open world setting and is a part of the main series of Pokemon games. As you can imagine, Arceus will be playing a major part in the game’s main campaign. Arceus is a mythical Pokemon of Normal-type and Alpha category. Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be a prequel to Diamond and Pearl, and will be based on completing Hisui’s (region) first Pokedex. The much-awaited Pokemon game will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive – most Pokemon games are (unfortunately).
9th Gen Game upcoming!?
Among other Pokemon news, we have come across a (strong) rumor suggesting an upcoming 9th generation Pokemon title. And, it is probably coming in 2022! Now, as much as it sounds exciting, the rumor is most likely to remain a baseless claim considering the absence of evidence. We saw major Pokemon releases in 2021 – Pokemon Unite, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and are yet to see one in Q1 2022. However, according to GameRant, the source has correctly predicted a lot of events. Check the tweet below –
It is extremely hard to believe such a leak as there are no sources or evidence to back it up. Hence, we would recommend not getting your hopes up. Especially when it is a Twitter leak! There’s no other information regarding an upcoming 9th gen Pokemon game. But, 2023 seems more likely for such a release.
Any Mobile Releases?
Let’s discuss a few about Pokemon mobile games. A game like Pokemon Go was announced in 2019 that would let players train Pokemons while asleep. The project was named Pokemon Sleep. As of 2022, the project has most likely been put to sleep until further notice. So, we will probably not see a Pokemon game for mobile devices in 2022. We are writing this article at a time when sufficient information regarding Pokemon games in 2022 is not available. But, we will surely be updating this one as we receive some exciting updates!
For more updates on Pokemon games, stay tuned to Androidgram!