Prehistoric Kingdom’s official early access/open beta trailer is promising in all aspects. From the realistic visuals to the carefully and beautifully planned game world, everything seems perfect. Soon, you will be the manager of the biggest prehistoric zoo with pretty habitats and many prehistoric animals. Manage it well since people will visit your zoo, and your earnings can make your animals’ lives better. The early access will be live in April 2022.
List of animals available in Prehistoric Kingdom (Early Access)
With the early access, Prehistoric Kingdom will bring you the opportunity to own 22 different prehistoric animals, including dinosaurs, mammals, and birds. Want to know their names? Keep reading this article.
List of dinosaurs available
Dinosaurs are prehistoric reptiles that were gigantic and elegant. They met with their extinction 65 million years ago. However, Prehistoric Kingdom is bringing them back to life just for you. The dinosaurs that will be available from early access are:
- Brachiosaurus Altithorax
- Camarasaurus Lentus / Grandis / Supremus
- Deinocheirus Mirificus
- Edmontosaurus Regalis / Annectens / Kuukpikensis
- Iguanodon Bernissartensis
- Lambeosaurus Lambei
- Nasutoseratops Titusi
- Pachyrhinosaurus Lakustai / Canadensis / Perotorum
- Parasaurolophus Walkeri / Cyrtocristatus / Jiayinensis
- Protoseratops Andrewsi
- Styracosaurus Albertensis
- Torvosaurus Tanneri
- Triceratops Prorsus / Horridus
- Tyrannosaurus Rex / Bataar
There will be three more dinosaurs that haven’t been unveiled as yet. Guess those will be a surprise then!
List of mammals available
Mammals still dominate our world. However, our ancestors were huge in size and possessed great intelligence too. You can now manage three such beautiful, gigantic mammals in your very own prehistoric zoo, brought to you by Prehistoric Kingdom! The three mammals that will be available in early access are:
- Coelodonta Antiquitatis
- Mammuthus Primigenius
- Smilodon Populator / Fatalis
List of birds available
Like mammals, birds are still a predominant part of the animal kingdom. However, prehistoric birds were beautiful creatures to perceive! Most of them were wild, unforgiving hunters. You will be buying specialized habitats for these sensitive creatures to keep them safe and happy in your prehistoric zoo. However, Only two mini exhibits have been announced as of now.
- Microraptor Gui
- Archaeopteryx Lythographica
These are all the animals you will get to collect at the early access. But, this is not it for your prehistoric zoo. There will be more animals coming to Prehistoric Kingdom via updates. So, build the biggest Prehistoric Kingdom of your own!
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