7 Days to Die is a classic horror game that goes back a long time. The premise is simple: survive. You can do this with friends, have a strategy or not, use weapons, or just run around. It’s essentially a sandbox horror game. This makes it very fun to play, especially if you have a group of friends with you and mods installed. You can even rent a server for you and your friends to play on, fully equipped with console commands and other cool additions. However, recently, players started noticing that their console commands don’t work in-game. Why this issue happens and how to fix it is something that we have discussed in this guide. So, continue reading until the end for more details.
7 Days to Die servers are very well designed. You can host a server yourself for your friends to play with, and this will be an exclusive server. You can also rent a server from one of the many rental services and give yourself admin access that way. In any case, you will need to know how to use console commands to get any use out of them. What if they don’t work at all, however? How are you going to fix that? Well, all workarounds for the same are shared below.
7 Days to Die console commands not working: How to fix it?
Console commands are essentially developer tools featured for public use. Any server admin can use these commands. The use and type of commands they can use correspond with their rank and the level of access they have been given. All of this means that you need to be an admin and have some level of access to use it. If the console commands are not working for you, you can try some of these workarounds:
1). Restart the game
Most likely, it is a temporary in-game issue. Restarting the game might get it fixed. This will allow the game to refresh itself and hopefully get rid of any conflicts.
2). Check your keybinds
Since the console commands are usually bound to residuary keys such as the ‘fn/f1’ keys or the tilde (~) key, it is hard to press or change them without notice. In any case, you might want to make sure which key the console window is bound to and that you’re pressing the right key. If you are not, you might want to change it back to the default keybind.
3). Give yourself full access
Since this game’s servers allow the usage of console commands to server admins, you will need to give yourself full access. You can do this by following these steps;
- First, head over to the serveradmin.xml file (usually located within the game files or if you are renting a server, it will be in the server install location).
- Here, look for your SteamID (or other platform ID if not Steam).
- Inside the <admin tools> tag, find these lines and replace them with the following:
- Find: <!– <admin steamID=”xxx” permission_level=”0″ /> –>:
- Replace: <admin steamID=”76561197963773765″ permission_level=”0″ />
- Find:
<!– <permission cmd=”dm” permission_level=”1″ /> –>
<!– <permission cmd=”kick” permission_level=”2″ /> –>
<!– <permission cmd=”ban” permission_level=”2″ /> –>
<!– <permission cmd=”lp” permission_level=”2″ /> –> - Replace:
<permission cmd=”dm” permission_level=”1″ />
<permission cmd=”kick” permission_level=”2″ />
<permission cmd=”ban” permission_level=”2″ />
<permission cmd=”lp” permission_level=”2″ />
Once done, this will give you complete and unrestricted access to the server you are in. This will allow you to use the console commands in the game. Ironically, 0 is the highest permission you can have so make sure to enable it. Once done, the console commands will work as they should and you can enjoy the game.
Well, these are all the workarounds you can try to fix the console commands not working issue in 7 Days to Die. If you found this guide helpful and would like to read more such content, make sure to visit Android Gram daily.