Riot Games’ Valorant is a tactical, team-based shooter that was released in 2020. The game has many new features that were not available during the beta period, and players can now change the language of their game to suit their own preferences. Valorant has since become more diverse, with many players all over the world either playing or interested in trying it out.
Keep reading this guide to know how you can change your voiceline language in Valorant step-by-step.
1. Open File Location
Select Open File Location from the menu bar of your Valorant desktop shortcut. If you can’t find your shortcut, just search for Valorant in the start menu, right-click the icon, and select Open File Location.
2. Copy And Paste
Navigate to VALORANT > live > ShooterGame > Paks in the Riot Games Folder. Copy and paste the US Text-WindowsClient.pak and US Text-WindowsClient.sig files to a different folder. When you’re finished, launch the Riot Games launcher.
3. Change The Language
Change the Game Text Language option to whatever language you want to hear while in-game by clicking on the gear icon at the lower corner of the riot games launcher window. After you’ve made your language changes, make sure to exit the launcher completely. When you restart the launcher, it will take some time to redownload the language pack for the language you picked to play in. When you press the Play button, you will notice that not only the voice lines but also your interface language, have been changed to the selected language. You must close Valorant in order to change the interface language back to English.
4. Change Text File Name
Open the saved folder containing the English text windows client files. You must rename your English text files to the text file name of the selected language in order for the game to believe you are using the other language files, even if it is still set to English. For example, changing the name of the text files from EN Text-WindowsClient to DE Text-WindowsClient.
5. Notepad Text
Open Notepad and paste the following text lines into your text editor:
@echo off
start ” ” “valorant game path\VALORANT.lnk”
timeout 8 copy /y “english files folder path\*.*” “paks folder path”
Then, in your start menu, search for Valorant, right-click the icon and select Open File Location. Click on your file path in File Explorer, and it should be highlighted right away.
Simply copy your Valorant shortcut’s file path. After copying the file path, return to your text editor and replace the existing file path with the one you copied.
6. Create Batch File
Open the folder containing the renamed English text files and paste the file path in the last line, leaving the backslash and other icons alone.
Finally, replace the paks folder path text with the file location of your Paks folder. Make sure to click on the file path and paste it into your text editor, replacing the paks folder path. Instead of.txt, save your text file as .bat.
Just launch Valorant once more in order for the changes to take effect and you are good to go!