Chinese tech giant, BBK Electronics’s daughter company, OnePlus may have accidentally leaked OnePlus 8T in the latest Android 11 preview. OnePlus had released the first Developer Preview of Android 11/R, the next upcoming Android Version made by Google.
The phone was spotted by OxygenUpdater when they found an interesting file named as “oneplus_8t.webp” inside the OnePlus Settings app. An image file was found inside the About Phone page in the Settings app in OxygenOS.
An image also leaked the front panel of a phone which is believed to be the OnePlus 8T, based on which it can be assumed that the OnePlus 8T will look very much similar to the OnePlus 8. The display is flat with slim bezels and we can see a hole-punch cutout on the upper-left corner.
The report also suggests that OnePlus 8T might arrive with a 64MP Main Camera and that OnePlus is also working on 8K video recording support, which currently no OnePlus device supports. This also indicates that the phone mentioned in the preview is indeed the OnePlus 8T. Unfortunately, there are no further details about the specifications of the device.
Though OnePlus had previously stated that DP3 would be the final build for the OnePlus 8 series, it seems like OnePlus has changed their minds.
Considering the fact that OnePlus launches its T model phones in October or November, we are expecting to hear more about the phone in the upcoming weeks.