Dragon Ball is an integral part of the anime community. From anime to gaming, Dragon Ball is making its mark on every front. If you are also a fan of the Dragon Ball franchise, this article might have something interesting for you. The Dragon Ball Xenoverse series is one of the prime action games in the Dragon Ball franchise. With the first installment released in February 2015, the Xenoverse series is arguably one of the most played Dragon ball game series. If you are also looking for the release date and expected characters for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3, go through this article to find all the details.
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 Expected Characters & Release Date
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is long overdue in the eyes of the fans. The first part of the series came out in February 2015 and the second followed it the very next year. Even with the constant updates and satisfactory gameplay, fans are expecting a new addition to the Xenoverse series. And as we know, where there is a will, there is a way. In this scenario, the source of this hope arises from Twitter. A Twitter page named DBSChronicles claimed that Dragon Xenoverse 3 is in development and will release in 2024. DBSChronicles is a reputed page in the Dragon Ball Twitter community. However, there is still no official confirmation regarding the release or development of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3.
Unfortunately, Bandai Namco, the publisher of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series got hit with ransomware resulting in such leaks surfacing on the internet. The group that made this happen supposedly leaked crucial information about the upcoming projects of the company. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is one of them. However, if the leak was legit and the company wants to hold on to any information regarding the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3, this means the game is going to take its own time to appear on the surface. Since the project is assumed to be still under development, no hard speculation about the release date can be made yet. So, no solid claims can be made, as of now.
However, there are a bunch of characters you can be expecting to see in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 ends with both Mira and Tow’s destruction. So, you can expect the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 to continue the story from there.
Here is a list of some of the characters you might see in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3:
1) Pan: Pan did not have a significant role in Dragon Ball Super Hero but you might be seeing her fight in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3.
2) Gamma 1&2: You can also expect this superhero android duo to appear in the game.
3) Gohan Beast: Gohan Beast can bring an aggressive style to the game if it makes an entry on it.
4) Orange Pciccolo: Orange Piccolo may bring high physical strength and aggressive power to the game.
5) Garnolah: You may see Garnolah stunning its opponents through his pressure point attacks in the game.
So, these are some of the characters that might make an appearance in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3. However, there is no official confirmation as of now, so take this information with a pinch of salt. Well, until then you can read more interesting articles on the world of tech and gaming at Androidgram and keep yourself up to date.