Does your organization need you to join a meeting through Google Meet? Then, make sure you own a compatible device. Read through the article to know what can be done if Google Meet is not compatible with your device.
If you receive a notification from your device’s app installer tool that Google Meet is not compatible with your device, it is most probably due to an outdated OS. Google Meet has some compatibility requirements like every other app. These requirements expect an up-to-date version of the OS builds or at least within the latest couple of versions. You may have already guessed where this is going. Read the fixes given below to fix the Google Meet not compatible error and start using it to join online sessions.
How to fix Google Meet not compatible with your device:
Compatible OS versions – Before trying the troubleshooting steps given below, lets take a look at the list of compatible or recommended OS build for Google Meet. Meet will work smoothly on a device with Android 5.0 or above and with iOS 12.0 or above build. To use Meet through Gmail, the device should have Android 6.0 or above.
For Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, Chrome OS and Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions, the most recent version and the two versions before that can run Google Meet without a problem.
1) Use Gmail:
The easiest way to continue using Google Meet is through Gmail. Google Meet is integrated with the Gmail app. And since Gmail is a default app in most stock Android phones, there shouldn’t be any compatibility issues any time soon. If you don’t want to go through the trouble of updating or troubleshooting your device, this workaround may save you some trouble.
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2) Update your device’s OS build:
As mentioned in the article earlier, incompatibility mostly arises due to outdated OS. Hence, check your device for a firmware update through the device settings. Go to settings and select the About tab. Look for notifications for an available update. Install the update and open/install Google Meet again. You shouldn’t get the “Google Meet not compatible with your device” error message again.
3) Use a Browser:
A browser is also a viable method to use Google meet without having to install it. Ask for the link to the meeting and paste it into your browser. Join the meeting. This can be used as a permanent fix. It is more convenient than having to go through the troubleshooting steps just for a single meeting.
4) Google Classroom:
Users who are associated with an educational institution (both teachers and students) can sign up on Google Classroom and use the Google Meet feature from there. Similar to Gmail, Google classroom has an integrated Meet feature. Users can easily attend classroom meetings through Google Classroom without having to install Google Meet.
5) Dial in:
Users can dial into a Meet conference with their phone. This can be used to workaround a voice problem or problems like incompatibility. In the conference, select More and click on Use phone for audio. This way you can listen to the audio even if you cannot partake with your normal setup. A number will be shown. Dial in and listen to the conference audio from the phone call. When you are connected to the call, enter the pin and end it with #. Also, see if you are prompted to press any other key.