Want to add Mespirit, Uxie, and Azelf to your Pokedex? They can be very notorious to catch. Don’t worry as we have jotted down all the information you will need to locate the Lake Guardians of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Keep reading this article.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: How to get/catch Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf & their locations
Complete the main campaign of the game before you start the adventure of finding Mespirit, Uxie, and Azelf.
Where to find and catch Mesprit in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl?
Take the 21 route to reach Verity Lakefront. Enter the forest. You will spawn beside the lake. Go near it and the game will ask you whether you want to surf on it. Choose yes. Note that you will need to have caught Bibarel before if you want to surf. So, once you choose yes, surf across the lake on your Bibarel and reach the Verity Cavern. Inside, you will see Mespirit waiting for you. However, it will disappear before you try to catch it. Next, Professor Rowan will appear and talk to you. He will advise you to follow Mespirit using the Marking Map app and catch it. To get the Marking Map app, head over to Jubilife City and visit the Poketch Company. Talk to the President and you will be able to obtain the Marking Map app. Use the app and track down the Being of Emotion.
Tip: Use Steelix and a Master Ball to battle and capture Mespirit.
Where to find and catch Uxie in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl?
Head over to the Snowpoint City from Town Map. Here, cross Acuity Lakefront and enter the Snow Forest. Go near Lake Acuity and surf to reach the Acuity Cavern. You will encounter Uxie there. Battle Uxie and capture it for your Pokedex.
Tip: Use Ryuku and Terikurosu to battle Uxie and Ultra Balls to capture it.
Where to find and catch Azelf in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl?
To find Azelf, head over to the Veilstone City from the town map. Now, navigate to Valor Lakefront using Route 214 and enter the forest. Now, surf through Valor Lake and reach Valor Cavern. You will find Azelf in the Cavern. Battle Azelf to capture it for your Pokedex.
Tip: Use Ryuku and Terikurosu to battle Uxie and Ultra Balls to capture it.
You can also check this video walkthrough by Mixeli to understand the details.
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