Unable to restrict the FPS in Forza Horizon 5? It may be beneficial to cap the FPS in FH5 to counter FPS drops while driving. However, many have reported not being able to cap the FPS to 60 or lower. We could regard this as a glitch as this is not supposed to happen. Fortunately, there’s a way you can tackle this problem if you own an NVIDIA GPU. Keep reading this article till the end to know how.
Forza Horizon 5 has everything that a virtual racing fan dreams of – open world, a huge collection of cars, beautifully designed tracks, events that bring you more cars, auctions, and whatnot. However, Forza Horizon 5 isn’t a good example of a realistic racing sim. You could spend hours driving on the huge pseudo-Mexican map with or without your friends. Whether you want to be competitive or just stroll around entirely depends on you! FH5 is an extremely detailed game, with ray tracing and other graphical enhancements. But it is also well-optimized. If you are playing the game in settings that your rig can endure, you should not face any issues. But, as it happens, some players have reported facing frame drops near heavily detailed areas of the map (the city). In such cases, capping the FPS may be a good solution to avoid lags.
How to fix Forza Horizon 5 not capping FPS?
To cap the FPS in FH5, launch the game and navigate to Options > Video. Here you will find the option for Frame Rate; use the arrows to set a value. The value you set here is the maximum FPS the game will reach while you play. Now, if doing this doesn’t cap the FPS for you, here’s what you can try:
1) Turn on Vertical Synchronization from Options > Video. This will help limit your FPS.
2) If you are using an NVIDIA GPU, open up NVIDIA Control Panel and then Manage 3D Settings. Select the Global Settings tab, and set Max Frame Rate to 60 using the dropdown. For an AMD GPU, you can open the AMD Control Panel and limit the FPS (AMD inbuilt FPS limiter) from there.
If the above doesn’t work, here’s what else you can try:
1) Restart your PC/console and launch the game again.
2) Update Forza Horizon 5. For PC, you should also update Windows as and when patches are available.
3) Ensure that your graphical drivers are updated. Use dedicated software like Geforce Experience or AMD Radeon to update your drivers regularly.
4) Troubleshoot your network connection. Make sure that you are accessing stable and fast internet.
For more articles on Forza Horizon 5, stay tuned to Androidgram!