Unable to match with your friends in Age of Empires 4 (IV)? Are you facing a Receive Mod Error C04T00R16X-01 506172740681 in the game? Well, here’s an article to help you fix such issues in the game. Age of Empires 4 (IV) was released on October 28 and is a fun game for Real-time Strategy fans. However, it is always annoying to come across errors blocking multiplayer sessions. Don’t worry, as the matchmaking error or the receive mod error is quite easy to debug and get rid of. Here’s what you should do if you encounter such issues in the game.
Matchmaking error & Receive Mod Error C04T00R16X-01 506172740681 in Age of Empires 4 (IV)
To fix the annoying matchmaking error in the game, you will have to check for the build numbers. The matchmaking error or Receive Mod Error C04T00R16X-01 506172740681 usually indicates that you and your friend are on different build numbers. You cannot be in the same team as your friend if your game’s build numbers don’t match. So, if your friend has updated his game’s build and you are still on the older version, you will encounter the matchmaking error while trying to team up. Compare build numbers to check whether you and your friends are on the same build number. You will find your build numbers in Settings at the top-right corner. If anyone of you and your friends has the old version, you can trigger the latest build update in Age of Empires 4 (IV).
How to fix the Matchmaking error & Receive Mod Error C04T00R16X-01 506172740681?
Try the following steps to update the build version of the game –
If you access Age of Empires 4 (IV) through Steam:
If the update has not been triggered automatically, here’s what you should do to start the process –
1) Firstly, right-click on Age of Empires IV in the Steam library.
2) Navigate to Properties > Updates.
3) Select the Always keep this game updated option. If it is already set, toggle it off and then on again to reset.
4) Now, close the window.
5) If the game still does not start updating, click on Downloads at the bottom center. Check for any connectivity issues that may be preventing the update
If you access Age of Empires 4 (IV) through Microsoft Store:
1) Firstly, open the Microsoft Store app.
2) Then, go to Downloads & Updates.
3) Look for Age of Empires IV in the update history to see when it was last updated.
4) Now, click on Get Updates to manually start the update process.
If the update process still doesn’t start, see whether you are able to update other applications from the Microsoft Store. So, if none of the apps are updating, then it may be a Microsoft Store app issue and you will have to re-install or repair the app itself to solve the problem. If you are not facing issues updating other applications, try re-installing Age of Empires 4 (IV).
For more articles on Age of Empires 4 (IV) and more video games, stay tuned to Androidgram!