Wondering whether there’s a possibility of demotion in iRacing? Well, without demotion, high-ranked players can easily choose to go rogue. So, a competitive game like iRacing should obviously include the concept of demotion. Penalties are an inevitable part of every competitive video game. In iRacing, dirty racing will induce penalties and affect your Safety Rating; if your safety rating falls below the threshold, you will suffer demotion. All your grind may go into vain, so stay tuned till the end of this article to know how to avoid demotion in iRacing.
iRacing’s license progression and scoring system aren’t very complicated. There are a few stats you have to monitor, and that’s it. The most important stat happens to be your safety rating, which is a direct measure of your overall safety records. Your safety rating will directly affect your promotion or demotion in iRacing. Another important stat is iRating, which quantifies your skills and helps match into a session against similarly-skilled drivers. You can also focus on collecting championship points by participating in Ranked Series Races. However, only the safety rating is directly responsible for your license progression.
How can drivers get demoted in iRacing?
As mentioned before, the safety rating is what you should keep in mind while trying to get yourself promoted in iRacing. Your safety rating can range between 0.00 and 4.99. There are six license classes or ranks: Rookie, D, C, B, A, and Pro. You will receive a Rookie license when you join iRacing; to reach the next class (D), you will need an SR above 3.0. Similarly, you can check the SR needed to reach C, B, A, and Pro (hardest level) in-game from your profile. Visit your profile to get an idea of how to reach the next license level.
If your safety rating falls below 2.00 and you are unable to increase it before the season ends, your license will face demotion. So, if you were at “A”, you will face a demotion to “B”. If you just thoroughly enjoy dirty racing and your SR rating falls below 1.0 as a result, your license will face demotion immediately irrespective of the season end date.
How to avoid demotion in iRacing?
Stop indulging in dirty racing; that’s the only way you can avoid demotion. Your safety rating will decrease if you bump into a car or an obstacle, race off tracks, or lose control of your car (corners are the worst, amirite?). iRacing is a competitive online racing sim and hence, you will always be encouraged and rewarded for clean racing. Crashing into your opponent intentionally may get you the “dirty racing satisfaction”, but it’s certainly not good for your license’s health!