Yet another bug in FIFA 2022 Division Rivals mode is causing a lot of trouble for the players. Due to this bug, they are unable to get champions qualifications, points/coins in the game. So, in this article, we will be sharing all the details about it and discuss if there is a fix for it yet. Here’s everything you need to know.
FIFA franchise’s 29th installment, FIFA 2022 is currently offering a ton of new content for the players. It is available on all popular platforms including Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows. However, the game is infamous for featuring a lot of bugs. In the recent reports from the players, it has come to our attention that in the Division Rivals mode of the game, the qualifications points are not awarded to the players. Even after competing in many matches, be it win or lose, the players are unable to progress further in Rivals which is a huge issue. So, if you are a victim of this issue in FIFA 2022, continue reading.
Did you know that the FUT mode in FIFA 2022 is not working for players on the Nintendo Switch? For more details on this, make sure to visit our detailed article about the same here.
FIFA 2022 Division Rivals not progressing & players not getting champions qualifications points/coins: Fixes?
Unfortunately, as of now, there is no response from the official devs about this issue. Without the official acknowledgment from the devs about this, it is hard for us to say when an update featuring a fix for this issue will be released. But, we do have some information that you might want to know.
The Division Rivals not progressing error might not be an error at all. According to a player, there might be a max number of games allowed to be played for progress in Rivals. Thereafter, the progress just stops. But, if so, the devs should have let the player base know about it. So, we are going to consider this an error rather than an in-game system.
So, if the majority of the players report about this, the devs will either release a fix for it or provide information about this hidden system in the game. Anyways, with that being said, the Division Rivals not progressing error will be fixed for good. For more guides and information on new games, make sure to stay tuned with us on AndroidGram.