Space-themed games have managed to attain a new height in terms of popularity, thanks to games like Starfield, and No Man’s Sky. Well, as the genre is more popular than ever, a space-based RTS game, has been released. Serving as the third mainline entry in the Homeland series, Homeland 3 was released recently on May 13, 2024. Well, the game’s initial reception wasn’t something to write home about, as many criticized it, but as time passed, it managed to stand its ground. Catering to a decent player base, Homeworld 3 is currently quite popular. As new players are trying the game out or looking to try it out, a general yet important query might come to mind. If you are a curious player wondering whether Homeworld 3 supports both ultrawide and super ultrawide aspect ratios, consider reading until the end for more details regarding the same.
Ultrawide screens are a boon that most games don’t take advantage of. Players with ultrawide screens are able to view the in-game world better, and due to this, it becomes more accessible and less cluttered. Most games do support ultrawide screens, while support for super ultrawide is not so common. That said, let’s find out whether you can enjoy the vast in-game world of Homeworld 3 on your ultrawide screens.
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Homeworld 3 Ultrawide (21:9) & Super Ultrawide (32:9) Support Details
Most AAA titles do offer players the option to switch the in-game resolution to fit ultrawide screens. Except for the fighting genre, ultrawide support is quite common in the gaming scene. Well, Homeworld 3 also follows suit, as it does support ultrawide resolutions. Players have shared their feedback regarding the same, stating that the game supports 3440x1440p right out of the box. Even the cutscenes are compatible with ultrawide screens, which is quite rare. So, if you have an ultrawide setup, Homeworld 3 won’t disappoint you. But what about super-ultrawide?
As stated earlier, support for super-ultrawide screens by default is something that isn’t quite common in games. Yes, there are many games that do support both 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratios, but unfortunately, Homeworld 3 doesn’t. If you have a super ultrawide monitor, you’re out of luck, but not completely. So, is there a way around this problem? Well, yes, there is.
Edit GameUserSettings.ini file
To run Homeworld 3 on your super ultrawide monitor without encountering black bars at any end, you will have to manually edit the game’s config file and add the resolution of your monitor. Doing so is quite easy. If you don’t know how, here are the steps worth following:
- First, open the File Explorer and go to the C Drive.
- Now, open the Users folder, and enter the folder with your username.
- After this, find the AppData Folder. If it’s nowhere to be found, then it is set as Hidden. To view it, select the View option in the File Explorer, and checkmark the View Hidden Items option.
- Next, open the AppData folder, then go to the following directory: \Local\Homeworld3\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.
- Here, you will find the game’s config file. It will have a .ini extension (named GameUserSettings.ini). Right-click on it, and select Open with Notepad.
- Now, search for the ResolutionSizeX and ResolutionSizeY text fields. If you find them, replace the default resolution set already with the resolution of your monitor in the .ini file and save the changes. After that’s done, exit the file and launch the game.
This should allow Homeworld 3 to run on a super ultrawide aspect ratio monitor. Anyway, with that said, we hope that you find this guide informative. If you did, consider visiting Android Gram for more such content on all things gaming.