Defeating a raid in Minecraft is a huge achievement that is rewarded in multiple ways. Players with the ‘Bad Omen’ effect can trigger a raid by going close to a villager. A raid in Minecraft is an event that spawns multiple waves of pillagers that attack players and villagers. If the pillagers manage to get rid of all the villagers in a village, they win the battle and start celebrating. However, if the player defeats the raid by killing all the pillagers that spawned, they get rewarded with the ‘Hero of the village’ potion effect. This potion effect becomes active or stays active when the player is within a 20 block radius of a villager.
A player with this potion effect receives very cheap trades from the villagers. Players can gather many resources in exchange for very few emeralds. And obtaining emeralds also becomes very easy. With the right approach, players can bring down the trades to one emerald per item or one item per emerald. There are other factors that contribute to cheaper trades, but having ‘Hero of the Village’ effect reduces the trade prices significantly too! Moreover, killing the pillager mobs drops a lot of loot as well. By killing them with a looting 3 sword, players can get enchanted books, enchanted iron armor, enchanted crossbows, bows and iron tools.
How long does Hero of the Village last in Minecraft?
Hero of the village effect in Minecraft lasts for a total of 100 minutes. Even if the effect is not active (because the player is not near a villager), after 100 minutes the Hero of the village status will be taken away. That’s why make the most of it while it’s still active. As soon as the effect wears off, the villager trades will return to their normal values. And if you haven’t setup a proper villager trading system, the prices will gradually go up. To learn how to breed traders efficiently and setup a trading system read the following article –How to breed villagers in Minecraft?
Both the Bad omen effect (needed to start a raid) and the Hero of the Village effect in Minecraft can be removed by drinking milk. And both of these potion effects are a part of the infamous ‘How did we get here?’ achievement. Players can increase the intensity of ‘Hero of the village’ to reap more benefits. This particular potion effect can be multiplied five times. That means, a player can get Hero of the Village 5 effect in Minecraft. To get it, players will have to first get the Bad omen effect to level 5.
To get Bad Omen 5, you will have to kill five villager captains back to back, without starting a raid in between. After that, trigger a raid and defeat it. However, defeating a level 5 raid will not be easy, so read our article on How to make potions in Minecraft, to help you get through it. Once you defeat the raid, you have the Hero of the village status with 5 times the benefit.